Wednesday, August 20, 2008


I finished Ann Patchett's Run just after getting home last night. I had less than 5 pages left when the plane landed...the first time a US Air flight is on time is when I'm reading a good book, figures!

I enjoyed Run a lot. It wasn't as compelling as Bel Canto, but it definitely made me think about nature vs nurture.

The story centers around the Doyle family. Tip and Teddy are both adopted, Sullivan is the Doyle's biological son. Bernadette Doyle dies when the boys are young and they are left in the care of their father, an aspiring politician.

The story examines family relationships, expectations as well as the idea of nature vs nurture. All of this takes place within 24 hours and though not exceptionally fast paced is filled with poetic paragraphs and great descriptions.

Friday, August 15, 2008

How Elizabeth Barrett Browning Saved My Life

How Elizabeth Barrett Browning Saved My Life by Mameve Medwed is a light book that I'd categorize as Smart Chick lit.

The plot is kind of frustrating. I kept worrying that nothing will ever go right for Abby Randolph or that she'll never get a backbone. Luckily, things turn out in true Disney/Chick lit fashion.

There are some clever references to NPR and other writers and it's a good summer read.