Friday, April 08, 2011

Buddha's Brain: The Practical Neuroscience of Happiness, Love and Wisdom

Buddha's Brain: The Practical Neuroscience of Happiness, Love and Wisdom was recommended in a yoga class. I've read other books about meditation and spiritual practice, but this book written by Rick Hanson was compelling and well written.

It read like part textbook, part meditation manual. The science in the beginning was covered in a way that made it understandable even for the scientifically challenged.

There were also example meditations to put into practice in the second half of the book and each chapter contained a recap.

Plus, the subject made so much sense. That as we evolved we retained certain tendencies that are no longer needed and can become negative in today's environment (we're no longer running from prey, but when someone challenges us, our brain tells the rest of our body that we are in danger and we react accordingly).

It put so much into perspective while giving practical solutions for managing the stresses of every day life.


I am one of those people who just can't bring myself to buy an e-reader. There's just something too comforting and flexible about the paper and ink of a paperback or hardcover. But as I prepare for a two week vacation in Peru, I wonder if I am hurting myself by remaining a traditional bibliophile.

There will be lots of down time and little to no electricity, so I plan on bringing ample reading material, but that means carrying them to and around Peru. (And my porter on the trek to Macchu Picchu will only be carrying 13 kg of my items).

I have already started thinking about what books to bring and I'll also try to coordinate with my book club buddy who is also going to be on the trip so that we can share books, but I just can't bring myself to buy an e-reader even now.

I'll be in a third world country with enough gadgets and luxury goods, do I really need to add one more? No, I will carry my paper and ink and maybe leave some behind to share with others.

My current list of books coming to Peru with me (in addition to travel guides of course):

Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter
A Visit from the Good Squad
What is the What
Under the Banner of Heaven