Monday, April 06, 2009

The Women

TC Boyle is one of my favorite authors, so when his latest book was released, I had to read it.

The Women is Boyle's fictional account of Frank Lloyd Wright's three dramatic love affairs. Having read Nancy Horan's Loving Frank not long ago, I was a bit concerned that the subject matter would be repetitive, but Boyle is too good of a story-teller for that.

The Women starts with Wright's last partner, Oglivanna, and then works backward. Oglivanna is significantly younger than Frank and

Unfortunately, Wright's second mistress, Miriam who is characterized as unstable and vindictive is covered in the second chapter, so I found getting through the middle of the book the most challenging.

However, Boyle handles the chapter on Mamah Borthwick Cheney expertly, making it well worth getting through the Miriam sections.

I do think it would have been more pleasurable if organized in the true chronological order. Boyle's use of a Japanese apprentice to provide section introductions and footnotes, was a wonderful touch.

Overall, Boyle's latest effort didn't disappoint.