Saturday, November 15, 2008

I fear that I have been neglectful in chronicling the latest books I have been reading. And now I fear that I will forget what I've actually read.

I re-read most of The Namesake for a book club. Even knowing the story, it was still enjoyable. Every time I read anything of Jhumpa Lahiri's, I'm reminded about what a beautiful writer she is. It leaves me in awe.

I am now about two-thirds through The Omnivore's Dilemma. It has gotten much more interesting as it has progressed and I'm excited to finish it. I may hold off on the last section since book club is now scheduled to discuss it in January.

Meanwhile, I went to the bookstore today and used a gift card from my birthday (thanks Karen!) that was burning a hole in my pocket. I ended up with White Tiger (Winner of the Man Booker Prize) and The Zookeeper's Wife. I still want to read Molokai and am considering delving into a Philipa Gregory novel (I heard her on NPR and she was different than I expected).

If I recall any others that I've read since my last post, I will add them. In the meantime, I'm excited to start White Tiger.

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